Juilene Osborne-McKnight - Celtic Tribe

- February 2012 Archives

Juilene Osborne-McKnight Storytelling With Juilene Osborne-McKnight Storytelling With Juilene Osborne-McKnight

Juilene Osborne-McKnight

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Song of Ireland.

Juilene Osborne-McKnight - Bright Sword of Ireland

Bright Sword of Ireland Daughter of Ireland Song of Ireland I Am of Irelaunde A review From The Publisher’s Weekly

“This well-researched historical fantasy retells the origins of the Irish, splitting the narrative between Celtic explorers and the mythical Danu, "little people" native to Celtic Ireland who have power over nature and time….making her latest a sure winner among Irish history buffs and fans of rich, multilayered fantasy.”

A review From the Booklist

"Osborne-McKnight continues to refashion the traditional folktales and legends that enhance the charm and define the character of the Irish nation. Using the mystical 'little people' as her narrative springboard, she
interweaves two distinct plot strands into an enchanting tale of discovery and adventure. Arriving on the shores of ancient Eire, the Celts discover they must either wrest control of their new homeland from the Danu, the week folk who have inhabited the island since the dawn of time, or learn to coexist with them. As the inevitable power struggle ensues between the Danu and the invaders, the author manages to whip up an irresistible blend of history and mythology that will satisfy the appetites of fans of her
previous three fantastical Irish sagas, Daughter of Ireland (2002), I Am of Irelaunde (2000), and Bright Sword of Ireland (2004)."

- Margaret Flanagan.

An excerpt from Song of Ireland

Be fierce against them.” The voice came from behind them, nasal and smoky.

The Sisters turned as one. Morrigu stood behind them, the three sisters cloaked in black, their gowns shifting and swaying in the seawind, their huge, black eyes reflecting the silver moonlight.

“Banbh, Nemhain, Macha.” Eriu addressed them separately with a formal nod. “We of the Triad Council are willing to listen to your wisdom.”

“Wisdom is it?” said Macha. She smiled, her lips folding up into a rictus that looked almost painful. “When have any of the Danu considered us wise?”

Eriu resisted swallowing. She looked at them each in turn. Panic rose in her throat when she met the eyes of Nemhain, but she fought it back. Panic is what Nemhain engendered. Everywhere she went, she seemed to be able to draw upon any creature’s worst fear, bring it to the surface, strengthen it until the poor victim gibbered in terror, made terrible decisions based upon that panic.

Daughter of Ireland (2002) Song of Ireland (2006) I Am of Irelaunde (2000)